Posted on Sep 23, 2013 in Vancouver | 1 comment

2013 09 23 One Sketch a Day

My friend eman is moving up north. I am just realizing he will leave a gap behind in my life. We have known each other for a solid 25 years. We both studied graphic design at Emily Carr University, we are both freelance designers and have worked together on several accounts.

Over the last 8 or 10 years or so, we’ve increasingly encouraged and inspired each other’s art practice; his in photography, mine in drawing. It’s not that difficult to fly to and from Whitehorse, but “beer o’clock” on Friday afternoons will be on hold for the time being (or we have to sip via Skype) :). On hold, too, will be our photo/sketch walks, and show & tell times.

Bon voyage, eman! You’re an inspiration.

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