Posted on Nov 19, 2013 in Vancouver | 0 comments

2013 10 23 One Sketch a Day

“Tank you life, tank you love!”

(Marion Cotillard’s Oscar acceptance speech, Best Actress for portraying Edith Piaf in La Vie En Rose)

I was on a constant high in Berlin from all the newness and excitement of discovering this city. In hindsight, it felt a bit like being in love — with life, I guess. I have been able to hold on to that feeling of wonder and rejuvenation throughout this whole year. Not every single second of each day, that would be exhausting. But a lot.

P.S. The Jennifer Aniston drawing is really just randomly associated with this post, as are many of the other drawings. Jennifer happened to be on a magazine cover in a waiting room. I have to admit that I’ve always been strangely, specifically impressed with her shapely arms and elbows. Here I’ve obviously tried to capture the spirit of those elbows; their shape, not so much.

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