That’s Omar on the far left — he looks distorted because of my eye’s wide-angle view. He is much better-proportioned in real life.
On Friday, November 14, I met Omar Jaramillo from the Berlin Urban Sketchers at Café St. Oberholz. Check out the cafe’s light-hearted blog (the site comes in both English and German) where they show objects that people have forgotten in their cafe and make fun of them. I think there’s a 94%-chance this is all invented, because the lost-and-found objects seem too interesting to be real. Or else they must have a witty writer or team of writers on payroll. This cafe is Hipster-with-MacBook Central. I like to made fun of hipsters, but I keep going to where they hang out, I am a graphic designer, I have a Mac, I write a blog, I give up.
Omar and I had a nice chat and a drawing session. I had slept badly and was tired, so towards the right side of the drawing, I started to fade and scribble hastily. Omar gave me some input and encouragement to put a bit more effort into the right guy’s black shirt. Thanks Omar! Omar has a beautiful minimal sketching style, he looks at negative spaces between subjects and carefully chooses placement of colours across the page.
Omar has a connection to the Berliner Zeitung; apparently they saw some of my sketches and are planning to publish three of them between Christmas and New Year’s. I sent the high-resolution files to Omar and he passed them along. I asked him to buy me a copy of that issue because I will not be in Berlin over Christmas. Exciting!
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